“New Era Coming to Ground Services” Interview was Held at our School

Our guests met with our students at the program titled “New Era Coming to Ground Handling Services: Fugo Ground Handling Services Inc.” organized by our Civil Aviation Community on 18 December at Samsun University School of Civil Aviation and attended by Tansen Koçboğan, Deputy General Manager of Fugo Ground Handling Services and Hızır Türkkan Demirkazık, author of Vecihi Hürkuş Life and Activities, as speakers.

The conference started with Mr. Tansen’s presentation on Civil Aviation, the establishment of Fugo Ground Services Company and today’s Fugo, and continued with Mr. Hızır’s presentation on the experiences of Vecihi Hürkuş, who built the first domestic fighter and passenger aircraft, and his resilience in this process. Afterwards, our guests answered the questions of our students with all sincerity.
We would like to thank our esteemed guests for coming to our school and sharing their knowledge and experiences with us with all their sincerity.

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our program.

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